Crowd abandons Trillanes in Zambales

Senator Antonio Trillanes has experienced the most embarrassing moment of his life in Zambales when the crowd left him while he was about to speak on stage.

On Saturday, Trillanes was invited by the Masinloc Fishermen Association (MFA), as one of their resource speakers on sea laws and safety during a general assembly and workshop seminar, which was attended by more than 600 fishermen from Masinloc and Iba towns in Zambales.

Sen. Trillanes was the last to speak among five other speakers from different government organizations.

The whole day seminar took a toll on the crowd when warm weather and hunger made people return to their homes.

Trillanes went up the stage only to find people leaving when he started speaking.

The senator did not continue to deliver his prepared speech, but said he understand the crowd as they have been there since 9:00AM.

“I totally understand them. Siguro gutom na rin at mula pa raw sila alas nuebe ng umaga rito [I totally understand them as some had been here since 9:00AM],” Trillanes explained.

When asked why they left the area, brothers Louie and Samuel Beltran, both fishermen from Iba said they are tired of hearing the senator’s promises.

“Paulit-ulit lang naman ang mga sinasabi niya. Nakaharap na namin siya dati, pumunta pa sa barangay naming, nangako na tulungan kami pero wala ring nangyari. Yan ay bago mag eleksyon [He said the same things over and over again. We met him before when he went to our place, he promised to help us but nothing happens. That was before the elections],” Louie said.

Another folk said he has no interest in listening to Trillanes.

The frustrated senator left with his convoy after giving a short comment. /Ruffy Matulac/

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Crowd abandons Trillanes in Zambales Crowd abandons Trillanes in Zambales Reviewed by The Philippine Pride on 9:54 PM Rating: 5

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