The Ultimate Regrets of Every Internet Marketer Including Me

I was on the process of changing the theme of one of my old blogs when I noticed the link on its footer pointing to one of my sites I sold before. I visited the site and checked its current status and I felt bad. The site is almost dead-  haven’t been updated for more than a year. The traffic dropped to its lowest  level based on Alexa rank and the posts are full of spam comments. I feel bad not for the new owner but for my old website. I asked my self “What would’ve happened with this site if I did not sell it five years ago”?

I visited another site I sold three years ago and to my surprise, I couldn’t recognize the site except for its domain. The new owner has totally changed and improved everything. There are almost 25 new articles a month. I asked myself  “How much could I have been earning if I did not sell this site 4 years ago”?
An Internet marketer is just a person who is prone to mistakes and “new shining objects” fever. No one has ever stumbled into online success without experiencing even just a little failure.

There are hundreds of regrets an Internet marketer may have but for me, there are only two things that sums-up every thing.


Some people may argue that the most important thing a person who want to make money online must have is a solid business plan. I tend to agree but, can you demand a good business plan from someone who is just starting to learn any thing?  A beginner may create a blog based on things of his interest. After few months of not seeing any profit, he may shift to another interest abandoning the previous blog, another months came and he’ll do the same, so on and so fort.

I and my friend had thrown away a number of good websites before that we thought could have been good moneymakers if we kept and maintained them today. The problem is consistency and the “new shining object”.

The first site I mentioned above was giving me $150/month before I offered it for sale and eventually sold for a little over $3,000. Yes, I needed the money that’s why I sold it. But I still think I could have done something If I really wanted to keep the site. That $150 per month was happened 5 years ago. I can’t even imagine how much could I have been earning from that site now if I kept it.

Building a List

I am one of the laziest people to build a list. I have had my own reasons why I didn’t build a list since I started online marketing as early as 2003 until 4 years ago. But whatever reasons I may had, those reasons made me threw away hundreds of thousands of dollars in almost a decade of not building any mailing list.

I knew know many people who don’t even own big websites but have big lists and they make their living by just promoting products to the same lists for years. Internet marketing is a tricky thing and if one has no perseverance and dedication, failure is imminent.

The Ultimate Regrets of Every Internet Marketer Including Me The Ultimate Regrets of Every Internet Marketer Including Me Reviewed by The Philippine Pride on 6:12 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely right with consistency. The slow but sure growth is I think still the best way to establish a solid business online that will stand the test of time.


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