An Open Letter to Celia Veloso and Co

Dear Mrs. Celia Veloso and Family,

First of all, we and the Filipino people are glad that your daughter was saved from the jaws of death. It really feels good that another soul was spared because of our collective prayers. Despite of undecided fate, your daughter was given her second chance to live.

Forty four officers lost their lives leaving their families behind while doing their duties to our country. The country is still in grief because of the said incident. Forty four lives, yes, forty four lives of great people. THEY GAVE THEIR LIVES PROTECTING OUR COUNTRY. We can’t say the same with your daughter.

A single person caught with two kilos of illegal drug in a foreign land was about to be executed. Because the people and the government did its part, the said person WHO GAVE SHAME TO THE COUNTRY was spared.

Excuse us for saying this. But yes, no single person would be proud on what your daughter have done and yet you are saying that the government will be held responsible if something bad happens to your daughter? Is this what the militant people around you, who are not even paying taxes, are telling you?

Another OFW was jailed in Saudi Arabia because of alleged robbery. After eight months of detention, he was released due to lack of evidence. His family was in deep sorrow for eight months until he returned home. He and his family did not inform the government because HE DIDN’T WANT TO GIVE SHAME TO THE COUNTRY AND TO HIS FELLOW OFWs. He sacrificed himself for the mistake he did not commit. He protected the name of his country and did not become a burden to the government.

The government did not create the problem for your daughter. She did. The government and whoever living in Philippines should not be held responsible for your daughter’s mistake.

If you continue to listen to some people around you, the general population would only continue to hate you. Again, the Philippines and the government OWE YOU NOTHING so stop saying that you are going to collect the government’s debt because there is nothing to collect. Stop being delusional and focus on your daughter’s case.

Be thankful and grateful because despite of all, your daughter and mother of your grandchildren is still alive. Lower your hope because your daughter’s case is not a joke. Prepare yourself for the worst.  The illegal recruiter who is in custody could not help for the release of your daughter so don’t expect too much. Just be thankful that your daughter is still breathing somewhere out there. 

We understand how you feel as a mother, But there are situations in life that sometimes beyond our control and leaving us no choice but to accept the sad truth.

The Philippine government is busy and has other better things to do than begging other country to release its criminal citizens.

Loraine Cristobal, Japheth Burgos, Kristopher Petalio, Mary Joy Balahadia, James Esca̱o РDLSU Manila

An Open Letter to Celia Veloso and Co An Open Letter to Celia Veloso and Co Reviewed by The Philippine Pride on 7:03 PM Rating: 5

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