Duterte No. 1 most loving, caring and decisive leader – survey

President Rodrigo Duterte is the leading official in terms of being most loving, caring, solid and decisive among the five highest government executives in the country, according to a recent survey.

The results of the “Pahayag” pilot survey, conducted by the Publicus Asia Inc., were revealed on Monday morning at the Marco Polo Hotel in Ortigas, Pasig City.

The survey tested the people’s perception on the top five highest officials in the country, and the top five most recent presidents, in terms of the “Love, Care and Solidarity” index, and the “Decisiveness Index.”

Based on the survey that studied 1,500 respondents from key cities nationwide from August 7 to 9, Duterte got 90 percent decisiveness rating, followed by Vice President Leni Robredo with only 5 percent. Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, Senate President Aquilino Pimentel and Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez all got 1 percent.

Mindanao gave Duterte a 97-percent decisiveness index while Robredo received only one percent from the region. Those from the National Capital Region gave Duterte 92 percent and Robredo only got 4 percent. In Southern Luzon, where the vice president hails, Robredo got a 4-percent decisiveness rating while Duterte got 87 percent.

Love, concern and care

Duterte is deemed the most loving by the respondents (82 percent); caring and concerned (79 percent). Robredo only got 13 percent in terms of being loving, concerned (17 percent) and caring (16 percent).

Pimentel comes third after 1 percent called him loving and caring and 2 percent called him concerned. Only 1 percent deemed Alvarez voted for him as caring, while Sereno got zero percent when asked about her being caring, concerned and loving.

Duterte got 97-percent votes when it comes to the love index in Mindanao, and 83 percent in the NCR; while 2 percent rated Robredo as loving in Mindanao, and 12 percent in NCR.

Maria Lourdes Tiquia, CEO and founder of Publicus Asia said some of the respondents might not be aware of the other politicians and their roles. “Maybe the results on Duterte are glaring because he is the top decision-maker. They might see his cursing (pagmumura) as a reflection of his anger and exasperation.

According to the survey, the top indicator of an officials’ love for the country is his projects for the poor (56 percent); good services (24 percent); delivery of promises to improve the country (18 percent); outreach programs (14 percent) and the removal of value added tax (12 percent).

The respondents says a caring president is shown when he visits the wounded and condoles during calamities (93 percent); takes into account his capacity to serve sincerely, looks for ways to serve and takes care of his health (92 percent) and respects the country’s symbols (91 percent).
Past presidents

Among the past presidents, Corazon Aquino had the highest votes as loving leader (38 percent), followed by Estrada with 27 percent, Fidel Ramos with 10 percent, Benigno Aquino III with 9 percent and now Congressman Arroyo with 5 percent.

Corazon Aquino remains the most concerned with 33 percent, Estrada (30 percent), Ramos (11 percent), Aquino III, (10 percent) and Arroyo (5 percent).

Approval rating

In terms of awareness rating, Duterte got a perfect 100 percent, followed by Vice President Leni Robredo with 87 percent, Sereno with 45 percent, Pimentel with 69 percent and Alvarez with 49 percent.

The survey took only three days and results were released after 11 days. There are 300 respondents in each region: NCR, Northern and Central Luzon, Southern Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, and were asked structured questions through face to face computer-aided personal interviews.

When it comes to approval rating, Duterte got a total of 88 percent, Robredo got 60 percent, Sereno got 51 percent, and Pimentel got 66 percent while Alvarez got 57 percent.

“This survey tests the emotional quotient of the leaders… There are leaders who are trained all their lives to be a leader but cannot connect to the masses…We want to introduce EQ as a frame,” Tiquia said.
Pulso, she said, is more normative; ours is more affective. “Filipino voters are very personal. It is high time to introduce a new way of measuring leaders, Tiquia said.

Tiquia emphasized that the group were not commissioned by any group. Their goal, she said, is to be able to come up with relevant and timely results that can help decision makers, at the same time, show the impact of the programs and issues to people.

Most pressing issue,

For the respondents, the most pressing issue the  President and the government have to solve are lack of jobs (67 percent), education (63 percent), health care and economy (46 percent), corruption (31 percent), terrorism (17 percent) and environment (9 percent). The president should least focus on politics, said eight percent of the respondents.

To solve the country’s problems, 54 percent said the President should first do projects for the poor, fight criminality (29 percent) and fight graft and corruption (23 percent).

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Duterte No. 1 most loving, caring and decisive leader – survey Duterte No. 1 most loving, caring and decisive leader – survey Reviewed by The Philippine Pride on 3:15 AM Rating: 5

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