Pag-IBIG Chief Slams Clueless Trillaines Over Binay Issue

"With his obsession withVice President Binay, Senator Antonio Trillanes is crossing the line in accusing almost everyone. His baseless allegations involving Pag-IBIG fund is not acceptable", Atty. Darlene Marie Berberabe, CEO of the agency told reporters on Thursday.

"Trillanes is losing grip and is running out of gas while chasing Binay. Many of the senators' jobs have been left behind because he is doing nothing but going after the Vice President", political analyst and UP Professor Sixto Magno said.

Trillanes earlier accused the Pag-IBIG fund of favoring Binay and awarding the contract to Binay's connections, but the agency strongly denied the allegations.

And, in a statement, Atty. Darlene Marie Berberabe appealed to Trillanes not to sully the name of the agency with his "baseless" allegations that clearly target Vice President Jejomar C. Binay who is chairman of the Pag-IBIG Board of Trustees.

The agency, she said, is open to an investigation, but stressed that the Commission on Audit (COA) no less had given it, for 2012 and 2013, an "unqualified opinion" - the highest assessment by an auditor - when it reviewed its financials and processes.

"We work hard to earn the trust of our 14.6 million members. Please do not sully the good name of Pag-IBIG Fund with baseless allegations of an anomaly," said Berberabe, Pag-IBIG Fund President and Chief Executive Officer.

Trillanes on Monday has said he will do everything to prove Binay's corruption allegations but did not give any details about his evidence against the VP.

"In the strongest terms, I deny that Pag-IBIG Fund favors any stakeholder. On the contrary, we pride ourselves with having leveled the playing field when the new management and the new Board assumed office in 2010," Berberabe said Tuesday, in response to reports quoting Trillanes that he was letting loose another round of political attacks soon, this time supposedly involving Binay's use of his influence on contract decisions at Pag-IBIG..

"To say that we favor contractors in awarding housing projects is simply false because we do not award projects, nor do we deal with contractors. It is unfortunate that an allegation which discredits the integrity of Pag-IBIG Fund is made, but the basis is not provided. When you do your work professionally, and regard principles of fairness and integrity with the highest standard, it is most disheartening to be dragged into an alleged anomaly that has no basis," Berberabe said.

"I say Sen. Trillanes is inexperienced and clueless on what he is doing. A brother who was with him during the Oakwood mutiny said that most of them are disappointed of Trillanes after taking a senate seat years ago", Magno said.

See Also: Confused Erap tells Ombudsman: “Jinggoy’s Wealth is Ill-gotten”

/Fanny Jalacjac/ Assisted Press Manila
Pag-IBIG Chief Slams Clueless Trillaines Over Binay Issue Pag-IBIG Chief Slams Clueless Trillaines Over Binay Issue Reviewed by The Philippine Pride on 3:17 PM Rating: 5

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