BBC staff laughs at Trillanes after receiving his “childish letter”

Senator Antonio Trillanes IV made himself even more than a fool after sending a childish letter to BBC, giving the company assurance that he will not file charges against them, contrary to what is being circulated by local satire sites.

After social media taunted and ridiculed Trillanes over his catastrophic interview with BBC’s Stephen Sackur, the senator sent a letter to BBC informing the company about the circulating fake news against him.

“Si Trillanes ay parang batang naghahanap ng kakampi” [He’s like a child looking for a playmate], one of the netizens said

In his letter, the senator cited Adobochronicles as one of the sites spreading fake news.

Every news-oriented person could tell that Adobochronicles is a satire site, and not a fake news site. It was a head-scratching why Trillanes and his staff are clueless about this. Trillanes made himself even more fool by attaching an article from Adobochronicle, sending it to BBC. What an ignorant move by a sitting Senator.

Trillanes embarrassed himself during the interview, he buried himself by sending a hilarious letter to BBC.

Adobochronicles, the Philippine’s only “pure” satire site, published three articles about Trillanes after his disastrous interview with Stephen Sackur. All of these three articles are satire, making fun out of Trillanes’ lousy actions. Trillanes or his staff must have been misinformed that a satire article is different from fake/hoax article.

Whoever read Trillanes’ letter will do nothing but laugh over his ignorance and stupidity.

“He promised not to sue BBC,” for what charges? For laughing at him?

Trillanes is like no other than CBCP’s Socrates Villegas. The ill-fated Archbishop listed more than 25 “fake sites” without even checking the content of the said sites, making himself a fool in the process.

The whole BBC staff could have been laughing at Trillanes after receiving his ridiculous promise, like what many Filipinos are doing right now after reading his letter. /Cristina Mitra/

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BBC staff laughs at Trillanes after receiving his “childish letter” BBC staff laughs at Trillanes after receiving his “childish letter” Reviewed by The Philippine Pride on 10:07 PM Rating: 5

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